Friday, October 23, 2009

Inbound Call Center Gets Approval to Increase Strength

Job creation credit to an inbound call center has been approved by The Ohio Tax Credit Department. This will allow the inbound call center firm to have a projected number of 500 employees to come on board. The meeting that decided the approval took place in Columbus. The authorities have decided to agree to a 40% tax break against franchise and commercial activity that is liable to the paid to the state over five years.

The manager of business development at the Youngtown/Warren Regional Chamber, who attended the meeting, estimated the credit for the inbound call center firm to be about $700,000. This amount of money allows the inbound call center wing to be set up with the designated number of employees in terms of infrastructure and planning. This will boost a BPO industry hit low because of the recession and the slide in business revenue.

1 comment:

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    Inbound Call Center
